phil and heterophile alike, a true picture of he a han sexuality and sexual deviancy in all of the many ›xistent ramifications. To do this we must have fre? dom, not license, of the press.


A number of historic battles have been won in the curts uring the past years defending the rights of

to realistically depict the eras, mores and





habit of those about whom they write both in fictin, -fiction and poetry.

SC 4

Unfortunately it would seem that homosexual them, as posed to heterosexual, are not to be accorded the samo standard of treatment.

cannot condone such a double standard. We could not ondone it were the magazine concerned devoted to raising pigeons. Historically freedom of the press has

bo n on of our greatest glories, one for which we have had to fight for time and time again.

The basic problem herein presented is not whether the homophile press shall continue to exist but rather whether a free press can continue to exist. If we, Americans, relax our vigilance we may be sure that the potty, the narrow-minded, the book burners, the Kansmen and all their ilk will not relax theirs. Sillest opening is a victory for all who disbelieve 11 man's ability to think for himself.




We said YOU could help in this fight. Here's how. Send your contributions to the Legal Fund, ONE, Inc., 232 South Hill St., Los Angeles 12, California. Monoy thus designated will be used only to enable ONE to tako its as to the Supreme Court.


It i stimated that not less than $2000.00 will be n. ded. ONE's attorney is donating his services fro, but the costs of a legal fight in travel, secretarial and brief costs are enormous.

The Daughters of Bilitis and THE LADDER heartily support